

Brendon Wung

Brendon Wung is a local boy from the Big Island of Hawaii, born and raised in Hilo Hawaii.  We are very excited to support Brendon and his wife Elise in North Africa sharing the truth of Jesus Christ.


Rachel Conner

Rachel Conner has been a faithful teacher serving Hawaii.  She dreamed of serving abroad and the Lord fulfilled her dream through the ministry of Teach Beyond.  Currently in Prague, Czech Republic, Rachel is sharing the gospel through education.  We are excited to support Rachel and have no doubt of her devotion to the truth of the Word and her boldness to share with all she meets.


Matthew and Leilani Melville

Matthew and Leilani Melville and their six children are currently serving in Portugal.  Matthew is the director of "Word Of Life Portugal"  Read they story here:  https://give.wol.org/mattm

We are excited to support the Melville family in Portugal, as they are the second generation to choose ministry as Pastor Phil & Cindy's daughter, son in law and grandchildren.